Big Rigs Over the Road Racing is so amazing and WINNER that I can not waste any more time writing this review. That's because the graphics are too good to be true and the music makes all music in the world put together times infinity seem like crap. The gameplay is so hard that it takes years to practice so you can defeat the pesky and persistant AI and avoid the Ultimate Traffic Stopper: The Police Road Block. I am already starting to loser my WINNERness because I am wasting my time writting a review for the best game ever made when I should be playing this awsome-perfect-super-great-amazingly-fun-WINNER game. So go BUY THIS GAME NOW! It might be hard to find because it is so WINNER and perfect that everybody wants it. It puts every simgle game t o shame. It's better, and more WINNER than every game out there put together times infinity infinity times!
Other Helpful Reviews for Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
Big Rigs has popularly become hyped as the worst game of all time, yet in reality it's far from it. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a game, it's an unfinished piece of crap - it's essentially the final thesis of a Digipen... Read Full Review
In my honest opinion, GS is being too nice, even if the lowest score here on GS is 1 :P It should have gotten a solid 0! xD The fact that this game actually was released must have been a joke from the creators, cuz I can... Read Full Review