Not the Worst Game of All Time

User Rating: 1.9 | Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing PC
Big Rigs has popularly become hyped as the worst game of all time, yet in reality it's far from it. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a game, it's an unfinished piece of crap - it's essentially the final thesis of a Digipen student - final only because he was expelled after creating something so terrible.

However - this does not deserve the "worst game of all time" tagline. Why? Big Rigs is innocent - it's simply a crappy bargain bin PC game. No child has this game on their Christmas list, no one was anticipating this title.

Unlike shoddy arcade ports of Pac-Man on the Atari 2600, major flops like E.T., or the endless piles of completely *unplayable* Gameboy games (such as Garfield) from back in the day, this game didn't ruin any children's lives. It in fact, being so bad, almost becomes *good* - glitches love to fall off levels and break the game - this one comes "pre-broken."

So while this is terrible, it's far from the worst. Kids were *crying* on Christmas morning when they discovered how horrible Garfield was on their Gameboy, no one cried over Big Rigs.