Billy The Wizard: Rocket Broomstick Racing (Wii) why the ff.. was it even made

User Rating: 1 | Billy the Wizard: Rocket Broomstick Racing WII
Lets see where to begin with this game (if it can even be called that) I know how about the fact that this game has no story line, no point and not one piece of it was entertaining and this game is just a dumb rip off of Harry Potter.

1. Flying through rings
2. Collecting books
3. Shooting a dragon

Introduction for Billy the wizard: rocket broomstick racing (wii)
Billy the wizard: rocket broomstick racing follows the unexciting adventures of Billy the wizard or any of the other lame characters that you choose to be. You start off with a very simple training level and yes you guessed it you have to fly through a ring at first glance Billy the wizard seems like one of those ok games that you've heard of but never actually played it but let me tell you it's a lot lot worse. The graphics are terrible I seen better graphics on a Sega Mega drive and the entire game is set in one location a floating school which is incredibly small. This begs the question why does it have so many loading screens and why does it take so long to load not for the graphics obviously or the different locations because it has one.

Section 1 - Flying through rings
The only thing that I can think of that is more uncontrollable than the game play on Billy The Wizard is diarrhoea I mean what where they thinking when they designed this game they had to be drunk or something. Ok the main controls are like this firstly to accelerate you press the Z button on the back of the nun chuck and the C button to go down a gear and the controls for movement are turning the Wii nun chuck in the direction you wish to go. But believe me when I say that's a load of shi… (not sure if I'm allowed to finish that word) when you do turn the nun chuck in the direction you wish to go all that it does is shake around a little bit then turn the complete opposite way you want to go and you end up crashing into the ground or a wall. You can also enter a tournament where you have to compete with other characters flying through ring in the correct order not only do they have better handling than you they are also a lot faster so when your stuck on the ground they are zooming overhead winning the race. All in all this part of the game is very poor.

Section 2 - Collecting Books
This bit of the game is surprising as it is very similar to the flying through rings part but instead of flying through rings your flying around trying to collect books. As you play through the game you unlock new levels which are pretty much the exact same as the level before it but with more books to collect, rings to fly through and more dragons to kill. All in all this part of the game is very poor.

Section 3 - Shooting Dragons
Don't be fooled into thinking that this part of the game is actual fun because it is the opposite It felt so unbelievably boring that time stood still, in this level you have to fly around (surprising) and shoot at a floating dragon that sometimes spins and moves around a little. All the dragon is really is a bunch of floating green balls with an angry face at the front to kill the dragon you have to fly up to it then swing the wii remote to shoot at it but there isn't an actual aim so your shooting blind. I cant believe just how poorly made this game is. All in all this part of the game is very poor. All in all this part of the game is very poor.

I really really recommend that you never ever buy this game, not for yourself, not for a loved one, not for a child and I wouldn't recommend even giving this to an enemy because it will be so painful when you hand over the money to buy this unbelievably awful game. All in all this game is very poor.