This game has a soul.
User Rating: 9.5 | Binary Domain PC
This game has a soul, which is not the case for most other modern games who only copy pasting their predecessors without any effort, innovation and ideas. Maybe this game does not have awesome graphics (it is not the most important thing, you know :rolleyes:) or maybe gameplay could been a little better but it did not failed in two most important things: story and first of all - characters and their relations. I liked every single character in the game, I do not know who is better? Funny Big Bo, attractive Faye or hero Dan? Dialogs are also top league, funny and interesting like in good old action movies. Gameplay is also great, it's good to see robot parts flying away when you shoot them. Boss fight are decent, not too hard or easy. Voice acting is great. Thumbs up for developer and publisher all the way.