This could of have been something catchy

User Rating: 5 | Bionic Commando PC
A third person action/shooter, that could of been something original, but rather wasted due to many let downs.

First of all, the porting actually sucks. I don't need to see X box buttons in the actual game play and have to pause and check the controls to see what button the game was referring to, furthermore, the mouse aiming and game play feels wrong, they should throw more effort when porting it from console to PC.

game combat is interesting in the first few levels, and get repetitive after wards, lack of new enemy units and new abilities for you Bionic arm makes constrains the game of just exploring new locations with your swinging abilities.

I had a couple of cheap thrills when I was playing against the snipers in the early levels, the game had some sort of a challenge, and I was forced to approach with caution.

battling the Mech suits and the planes was interesting for the first time, then its the same thing over and over.

I must say though, the game environments are decent, and are fun to explore.

and here it is, the same mistake, you must kill every enemy, in order to hack an outpost relay, to deactivate mines, I don't need to do it frequently. no really.

the story is good, needed more presentations and cut scenes though. in addition, the challenges (although some of them was dull) were nice since they are related to your character's upgrades, but they should of allowed more character customization I'd say. the voice acting is OK, but your character's voice is somehow Dull, he sounds just like a mindless brute.

Enemy AI is good, and they can detect you from long ranges making it more realistic, and enemies know how to put up a good fight which keeps you somehow conservative and force you to come up with attacking strategies and approaches.

however, the radiation limits you from taking high grounds and surprising the enemy.

if you played prototype, you will find this game average and needs more innovation to give it some sort of originality.