Fans rejoice, because this next gen edition of the challenging 80s NES ACTION game has arrived! Swing on..:-p

User Rating: 8 | Bionic Commando PS3
Yes, Bionic Commando is back. Some of you who read this, wonder..back?? Why isnt it called BC 2 then?
Well, BC goes a way long back, the original game came out more than 20 years ago. On the NES. One day, i lend this game from a fiend of mine.( yeah im no teenager no more;-) Well, he never got it back! LOL:-) Not true, but i was immidiatly hooked on this game. I liked Mario too, but boy, this was seriously mature and challinging game. What is made special, ok it had a very cool soundtrack, cool character and story withs lots of testeron in it, BUT the game focused on your Bionic arm for swingin! And more! This swing mechanic introduction instead of jumping stuff offerred unique gameplay.
The Endbosses and leveldesign were topnotch too from my perspective, so i liked it a lot. Unf i didnt get far then, because of the difficulty but above all..i had to give the game back..:-(

BUT...........then suddenly, BC: rearmed arrived last year as Download! Ofcourse i got it right away, and was stunned by the update graphics and sound, while it still was one my favorite NES games i played years ago. If you aint got it yet, i can recommend this 2d action platformer too for sure!

Ok, now on the Next Gen Bionic Commando
Its da BOMB!!!!!!!! Thats my Review haha!:-)
Okay, il explain why this game deserves more than the 6.0 Gamespot gave for it..

Bionic Commando is a Action game. And this, my friends this is where the game delivers!
Along the web and GS, critics say that the story aint that good, and that the guns are weak and that it has long loading times.
I havent completed the game yet fully. But i am far enough to tell things about it.
Here is my view: the story is okay, not very special but this is not game where story plays an important role. It works so far.
Weapons department, yes the main and first gun you get doesnt sound heavy. isnt!! Its just an basic pistol, that does his job! The other weapons sound stronger and pack more OOMPH, because..there deliver more OOMPH!
Last negative thing i read a lot is about the loading times. Well dont know about Xbox360, but on PS3 loading is about 10 seconds. No problem at all. Only thing is, that the level missions generally arent very long. But this doesnt matter really then.

Really, having read several revs, i thougt bad about this game, andhesitated about buying it. Then i saw it as budget on internet. The game really surprised me that it was still as good as i thought from that trailer. The graphics are certainly good, the animation is Topnotch!, the sound and Dynamic! Audio is Superb, and Swing mechanic works great when you get. You swing from one building to next in the Concrete Jungle etc.
Physics are great too, as AI from enemies, this game reallly gives a challenge from hard dif. like the old skool series!
And really, if you are a fan of BC, or Action (semi-superhero) games in General, buy it. You prob wont regret it.