Its not bad the core gameplay is fun but it takes to long to get there,the dialog makes it funy despite the horible plot
Well I finally finished off Bionic commando and well I am surprised and disappointed, the core game play is solid but the further you get away from using the arm the more lose and unpolished it becomes.
Could have more covers of Bionic commando tunes and less event music.... Sounds are ok but nothing to write home about. Visuals are nice.
Level design,
Levels are paced well enough but highly linear, the worst thing about level layout is the radiated zones are not that well defined, the collectibles can be hellish and fun to get but if you die you have to re-get them and that becomes nightmarish.
Ammo sucks, health regen makes it so they can ignore or be oblivious to item pacing then again Bioshock didn't have it and had to many items all over the place.. but I am regressing again ... ammo is rarely randomly dropped so randomly it forces you to use the arm which cannot be used to attack other than zip kick for almost half the game. Ability pacing kind of sucks because it takes so long to be able to use the arm to attack with.
The shooting elements are ok at best but could be better developed, AMMO is scarce and you really need to carry almost 5X as much of it. The weapons themselves have to be dropped to you, you just can't pick up any bloody weapon that's dropped... which annoys me to know end its anti intuitive.
If they went with a setup where the super dropped in weapons have 5-10X the ammo/power and the picked up ones only have a clip size loads that have to be tossed after use that would have been a much better implementation. Melee is very lose and kinda weak.
The AI is not to bad wish grenades tossed by the AI didn't damage them so much. The AI can die on lightly disturbed objects it's like they trip on it they die, there's no real level of physics calculation if it moves it kills them. They also have a tendency to fall off ledges....
Major glitches,
The only one I found was with the death from above challenge, it only works with adrenaline only no matter how many are killed from being knocked off ledges and from disturbed objects.
Its not so much a glitch but they use 360 buttons to denote what key/button to press...
The dialog is not so bad the voice acting is damn good for a capcom game but the plot and its plot points are horrendous and the ending is just blah.
I wish it had,
Have a points system where you can buy more ammo/weapon space, arm moves and damage/zoom abilities. Make it a bit more than a lose lulz fest, more like DMC in that respect but have it so you get less points from re-trending a old level.
A over world map/hub setup where you can easily travel to old levels and chose to redo them or just re explore them with re arranged troops..
When you accomplish part of a challenge it tells you with a quick on screen message and percentage count remaining, it does for some but not for others.
Lives, yes lives, not the old s t y l e of your dead if you run out of them kind but a kind of token you get 3 of at the start of a level you can collect more and use them as you wish. If no coin is used the level is reset on death, if you use it you restart from the last safe position you had before death.
This is a middle point between quick save and a bajillaoin check points in a level, because the user has control over them IE you have a minim of 3 then the extras you collect which you can choose to use it or just restart a level on death..
Final thoughts
It's a fun game once you get use to it not worth 40+ but 20-30 is not so much a loss. I'll give it a 7 since the dialog dose not rape my ears.