It is a perfect combination of 1988 gameplay with 2008 graphics. The visuals are very clean and smooth...

User Rating: 9 | Bionic Commando: Rearmed PS3
Wow! Bionic Commando Reamed is a blast from the past and kicks major...well you know. It is a perfect combination of 1988 gameplay with 2008 graphics. The visuals are very clean and smooth, but what really drives this home is the fun factor. If you like "old school" gaming, this is a must buy! Capcom did a wonderful job keeping this remake like the original Bionic Commando for the NES. The levels are fun, the bosses are big and fun to play, and the last level (The Albatross) is very challenging.

There are also dozens of "challenge rooms" for you to test your bionic-arm swingin' skills and a co-op (local) mode. Do yourself a favor, spend the 10 bucks, put on your tight jeans with holes in the knees, a bright-colored t-shirt and rock it like it's 1988! I ranked this a "9"...and 2 bionic thumbs up! Please rank my review if you found it helpful.