This game is totally tubular. It's almost as cool as my new tapered haircut and my Vision Streetwear! I love the way you can swing around like a futuristic Tarzan with your bionic arm. It's the coolest bro! I love the straight forward contro scheme, and you can do more than just push the AB buttons. This game has a lot to offer for the nintendo power user in your home. It makes me think that extreme is going to be the new catch phrase, and 80's hair bands will be replaced by disgruntled teen bands that have aingst. Far out game man!!! Totally sick!!!
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Okay lone soldier, it's time to become a hero. You delve into excitement with a gun and a bionic arm. You're mission is to rescue hero soldier Super Joe who was captured by the Nazis. It's a side & vertical scrolling pla... Read Full Review
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