An Amazing game for your Gameboy.
One great upgrade from the Nes is the ability to save your game. (I just recently played Capcom Mini Mix and had to finish the game in one sitting.). Taking a password sheet with your Gameboy or having to start from scratch every time really hinders the concept of gaming on the go. The save function makes this a great title to take on the go
Bionic commando also functions somewhat like an RPG. Enemies drop paint cans. If you collect enough of these you will gain an extra health container. Gaining these will greatly increase your odds of getting threw stages alive. With enough of these you will be able to survive a hit from almost anything. Falling to your death or not being able to escape a pit of spikes will be your only fear. If it is your first time playing a Bionic Commando game I suggest getting a few levels right away.
This is very much the Bionic Commando on the NES slimed down and bumped up a notch. Many of the stages are very familiar and a little shorter than they were on the NES. Also the number of stages are a bit fewer but this does not stop it from being a great game. Included are a slime/sewage stage, a seaport stage, a vertical stage, and a maze stage.
The first thing people will notice who played the Nes game is the speed is bumped up. You run and swing faster. It seems very fast paced compared to most games on the system. The graphics are pretty good; I can’t think of a game that does a significantly better job. The selection of weapons and items are very much the same as well. You will eventually get a three-way gun, a machine gun, a spread shot, and a bazooka. You can also get armor for your head, body and feet. This will protect you from some shots. An improvement from the last one is you can change your equipment at any of the com points. This prevents you from having to press A,B, +Start to escape stages. If you can find it most stores sell this game for less than ten dollars. It is one of the few games still worth playing from the original Gameboy. This game rocks and I encourage more people to go and check it out.