Bionicle Heroes is a shoot'em'up by TT games the deveopers of Lego Star Wars 1 and 2. you start of with the Toa Inika (the heroes) as you run around blowing up diffrent Bohrok, Visorak, and Vahki. you also take on other characters like Axonn and Brutaka and the Piraka (the Villans). the Gamplay is easy to learn and get use to. You use lego pieces you collected to buy upgrades and other things. You also get masks and other things to look at by finding canisters in the levels. The grahics are like the Xbox360's and the level desings are great. Overall the game rewards are like the first Lego Star Wars but not much playerbal charaicters to have. I would of given this a lower rating but as a fan of Bionicle senes I was 10 or so. So I recurmend this to any fan out there on any concle.
Bionicle Heroes has you play "Bionic" lego characters which is similar to the Lego Star Wars games in that you collect massive amount of small lego parts as you blast and explore your way through the game. It ... Read Full Review
Bionicle Heroes is the second Bionicle Game in the toy franchise and is here to give gamers explosive action, fire fueled shooting, strong visuals, and the charm of the other Lego games in the long franchise. It game and... Read Full Review