This game is pretty good, but i was expecting it to be much better and longer. Actual score: 7.3
User Rating: 7.5 | Bionicle Heroes DS
This game is good but not great. It should of been much better. In this game you play as a different bionicles in different levels. And in each level you get a new gun and mask. In each level there is a boss that is pretty easy to beat and in each level there are five little levels that you have to complete in order to beat the hole level. In this game you don't see the bionicle you just see its arms. But you can see all of your enemy bionicles body.
Gameplay: 9
The gameplay in this game is nearly perfect but it still isn't ten out of ten yet.
The graphics in this game are really good for DS.
The sound is fair and should of been a lot better.
Value: 5
This game is much to short for my likeing
Overall: 7.3
Overall this game is pretty good but it should of been heaps better.