Edios continues to bring us awesome Lego games,
User Rating: 9.2 | Bionicle Heroes DS
Edios is most known for games like Tomb raider and the Lego Star Wars Games. Previous Bionicle games haven't been sogood- But Edios and TT Games have brought us The best Bionicle Game yet- Bionicle Heroes. The Inika have been held prisoner by the Piraka. You play as a Matoran fighting to save the Inika. This is indeed a First Person Shooter. It's very similar to Metroid, but No Wifi and it's Multicard play. Grahpics look pretty nice, though not perfect, It's surely satifying, as i was worrying it would have cruddy graphics.
The sound is impressive. The shooting noise is pretty normal, and no sounds of enemies dying, of course, as it would be a bit too graphic. Overall, this is a great game for FPS Fans, Bionicle fans, or just people wanting a good game.