First 30 minutes was fun but that's about it.
Bionicle Heroes is a 3rd person shooter based on Lego's Bionicle toy line. While it has some familiar characters, there are new characters introduced just for the game. The Bionicle universe is comprised of life forms created from non standard Lego pieces that form alien dinosaur looking characters.
Game play: 4/10
You control a nameless character that has the ability to use different masks. Each mask gives the player the ability to use two to three different powers. Each mask is upgradeable and has changes the look of the character. There are cogs like in most lego games to collect. These cogs can be used in the shop to upgrade the masks unlocked or secret areas. The player has a health meter that goes down from enemies and sometimes the environment. When the health meter reaches zero (no hearts) then you lose a mask. If you don't have any masks left its game over and you can restart from a last save point. There are little puzzles scattered all over the maps where you have to use the proper mask or build a certain item to move forward. If you destroy enough enemies a bar will fill up and the character becomes invincible for a certain period of time. The game is setup where most of the time you become invincible versus a boss. You lose your invincibility when you hit the boss a few times and you have to build up the kills once more. There are plenty of maps to play through. While most maps have a different setting it tend to be straight forward and repetitive.
Graphics: 3/10
The graphics are very pixilated and plain. There is no 3D rendering and there are very few sequences to wow you. Comparing to other Lego games Bionicle is not as good visually as Lego Star Wars.
Sound and Music: 3/10
The music is very repetitive and quite boring, there. The sounds could have been done a lot better with just clicks for firing weapons and explosions. During cut scenes there are no voices just silent mouth movement.
Difficulty: 2/10
This is a very easy game. Its very hard to lose a life, even when you do die, it would be very easy to continue where you left off. The hardest part of this game is the length. Its dull and long.
Final Thoughts:
For a younger gamer this might be a decent choice but there is plenty of competition out there and this wouldn't be my first choice. I would not recommend this game for an older gamer. Only reason anyone should buy this is to get every 360 game.