Definitley was not expecting this game to be so good...
User Rating: 8.5 | BioShock 2 PC
Let's make this short and sweet. First off, the story is good, but pretty short at about 10 hours. You play as a Big Daddy "Subject Delta" who is in search for his one and only little sister. You enter each location only to find a way out which is very linear. Weapons and gun play are much better than the first, with my favorite being the spear gun. Plasmids are pretty much the same with a simplified tonic setup and some better upgrades. Such as the incinerate 3 plasmid which blasts a continuous jet of fire. Enemies are a bit more varied, with some originals coming back as well as some fresh mutilated faces. Graphics are slightly improved and the engine seems to run smoother, at least on my Computer. (Avg. 40 fps on Bioshock 1, 60-70 on Bioshock 2.) The atmosphere actually may be better than the first with the exception of Fort Frolic in the first which will never be beaten! Overall the game is very solid and worth at least a rent. I'm on my second playthrough and still enjoying it. NOT as good as the first but still quite good and worth your time.