An amazing game that almost any rpg/shooter hybrid fan will enjoy.
To start off, the game-play is very well done. It's overall feel doesn't feel totally revamped, but its new choices like adoption for little sisters, a new way of hacking, and a whole new way of using the plasmids makes it feel like a whole new experience, but at the same time the same game-play some people have loved before. Although sometimes i do feel that the weapons from Bio Shock 2 are just changed weapons from Bio Shock, but fit for a big daddy.
The graphics are just about the same as the first one, but some of the segments are marvelous and I wished they could have been longer. Sometimes your frame rate might drop, but I have rarely seen that happen to me before only happening once or twice during a large splicer mob.
The multi-player is the newest adaption to the 2nd in the Bio Shock series. I'm sure people bought Bio Shock 2 just for its awesome single-player, but the multi-player really shines out as sort of a gift to all. It's creativity and game-play is simply mind blowing as I have never had such fun especially when I get to become the big daddy in the game.
Overall I feel Bio Shock 2 is a game like no other. Able to create such a feeling of awesomeness( you play as the big daddy in the single-player and there is a really fun multi-player) and intrigue(the single-player has a very well done story that could make you cry or gaze in awe). The main problem I had with this game was the shortness of the single-player which is roughly about 10-12 hours depending on the mode of difficulty you are playing on. However, it's captivating story all-in-all make Bio Shock 2 one of the best games I have ever played during the start of 2010.