400MP for 108kb? You do the math...
PC owners: just look it up in the contentindex.
(copy/paste from the 2K forum)
Protip: bioshock 2MPBuildsBinaries>BulkContentCatalogText.txt and search for "jailbird" and "playboy". You could also try "upgrade" which will lead you to the "new" pistol magazine upgrade. And if you're still in doubt, you should try "Fishmask", "Crabmask", "StarFishMask", "Seahorsemask" and "MaskBucket".
This 108kb key will cost you 400MP and will unlock the following content:
- Rank Increase to level 50 with Rank Rewards
- New playable characters Louie McGraff and Oscar Calraca (with audio diaries unlocked from the start)
- 20 New Trials
- A third weapon upgrade for each weapon (unlocked from the start)
- Five additional masks
Oh and for those of you who reached lvl 40 and continued playing the multiplayer, guess what? You lose all the ADAM you've gained... So you start with 97000 ADAM and have to rank up all over again.
There are no achievements. Now, personally, I don't care for those because I can enjoy a game without them. After all, there were no achievements back in the old days, remember? But I can see how that would be a problem for some.
Some of you will say "What is 400MP? It's ONLY 5€/$." True, but let's say that 5000 people spend those 5€/$ on this; that's 25000€/$ 2K gets for ripping 5000 people off...
In short: everyone who payed full price for the retail game should stay far, far away from this. This is RE5's Versus mode all over again. Boycott digital extortion!
EDIT: 2K responds on the forums:
"Hey guys,
I noticed there was a bit of confusion about our Sinclair Solutions Tester Pack file size, and I wanted to clear things up for you. The way our engine and game structure works is that people need to have the exact same content for people to play together. One of the challenges with post launch content for MP is that it can split the player base, and we want to avoid that whenever possible. For this content, creating the DLC package the way we did allowed for us to not split the player base – so whether you purchase the new content or not, you can still play with your friends.
I know some of you have strong beliefs about DLC, and I'm not here to sway your opinion or convince you to buy our stuff - if you like what we're offering, I hope you get it and enjoy it. If it's not your speed, enjoy BioShock 2 as we released it.
I want to let you know that DLC is not interfering with our patching capabilities, which are a top priority and are still being actively worked on. We're committed to supporting you and making BioShock 2 the best experience possible.
I hope this clears up a lot of the questions and confusion in this thread!
-Elizabeth "
source: http://forums.2kgames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=719075&postcount=138
'Exact same content'? Everyone already has the exact same content; it's on the bloody disc! And 'not split the player base'? I'll tell you how to split up a player base: charge the player - who already payed full price for the retail game - another extra 5€/$ for content that is on the disc and has already been payed for. That's how you split up, maybe even LOSE, a player base. This is downright THEFT!
The Finger, 2K. That's what you get from me. The bloody Finger.