Although it's not as good as the first, this return to Rapture is a fun one.
User Rating: 8.5 | BioShock 2 X360
It's been 10 years since your first trip to Rapture. Now, this underwater city is worse than ever. Dust and cobwebs cover every room. The Splicers are more mutated than ever before. More Little Sisters are running around, harvesting the precious Adam that flows through the blood of certain dead Splicers. Rapture is a much more dangerous place. This place is a deathtrap for any normal person. You're a lucky one, though. You are one of the first Big Daddies. Your name is simply, Delta. You were assigned to protect a little girl named Eleanor. One day, her mother came along and captured her, but not before forcing you to kill yourself. But you survived. Now, Delta seeks revenge, and Eleanor!
It's a great game. The game play is pretty much the same as the first game. The only real difference is that you can hold a gun in your right hand, and use your left hand for plasmids. This allows you to freeze a Splicer with your plasmids, then shatter them with your 50 caliber machine gun. The environments aren't as freaky as the first game. This is due to the fact that you are a Big Daddy and you feel invincible. This is a false feeling of security because I think Delta loses more health than Jack from the first game. If you played the first game, you won't be disappointed with the sequel.