A much appreciated add-on that destroys its own value by 2k's deception.
It's a dissappointing ordeal when a software company goes to such lengths to cheat their most devoted customers out of their money by selling an UNLOCK CODE that enables content that is already on the disc they sold you...all for five bucks. It is one thing to have pre-planned DLC before the launch that will be added later, but this is downright criminal. DLC's truly took off during the times of Oblivion when Bethesda sold huge add-ons in the game for comparatively small prices. Problem is, ethics and value seemed to have been thrown to the side in exchange for quick, cheaply earned cash.
It appears 2k is one of many to have hopped onto the bandwagon. EA got the ball rolling with its players in Madden 10 having to actually pay to unlock player ratings that used to be included in the previous titles and a host of other rip-offs. Then Ubisoft earned its twenty pieces of silver with its convenient plot holes and "missing memories" of Assassin's Creed 2, which you later had to pay for in hefty sums.
The issue here is not so much that we, as customers, are paying more for DLC than we used to, because in this case, you are actually getting a decent value. After all, the "extras" you receive are nice additions that do give you a slight advantage over your opponents. The only complaint one could have with the actual content would be that it does not enable you to Rebirth upon reaching level 50 (hmm...wonder what 2k's planning there?) The issue is that another major corporation is attempting to steal our money with great success through shady means. What it boils down to is this: You already own this content, do not pay any more for it.