A twisted tale of love and devotion that does the well-known "Bioshock" name great justice.
Superb return to Rapture
Fun multi-player
Great graphics
Interesting, and captivating storyline
Likable protagonists
Setting is still incredibly creepy and tense
Gameplay still fun and addictive
Stronger moral choices
Enough changes to gameplay to make it a superb sequel
Better sense of "attachment"
No huge twist like in the first BioShock
Messages can still overlap one another
It's been some time since I've written a review, so if this one is too short or not detailed enough for whatever strange reason, just let me try to get back into my groove of reviewing.
BioShock 2 is the obvious sequel to the smash hit game "BioShock". The game doesn't pick directly where the original left off; instead, the players controls the first Big Daddy ever created known as "Subject Delta". Back in 1958, you were forced to commit suicide by the oppressive and narrow minded Sofia Lamb. 10 years later, Subject Delta miraculously comes to, with no recollection of the past events. Driven by a strong parental urge to find the Little Sister you were assigned to protect back in '58, you discover the true nature of why Sofia Lamb wanted the Little Sister so bad and must do whatever it takes to find her.
I know I didn't review the original "BioShock", but to those unaware, I completely loved the game. Everything about "BioShock" immersed me into setting, story, and characters and I couldn't get enough of it! I still consider to be one of the greatest games I have ever played. About a year later, I finally purchased the long awaited sequel (I waited so long just to get it cheaper) and once again, I fell in love with "BioShock". Everything about "Bioshock 2" is excellent and amazing, sometimes even rivaling the original in terms of story, impact, gameplay, and characters. For example, in terms of impact, the story's moral choices are a lot more in depth and speculative than the original's main choice of either killing or saving the little sisters. Although this is still done in "BioShock 2", there seems to be a heavier influence of the remaining characters of Rapture. Gil Alexander was especially one of the stronger ones; since he kept assuring you to kill him, but it turns out you do have a chance to save him after all. It's huge decisions like these that really kept the game flowing in terms of tugging at the heart strings. When it comes to gameplay, everything is the way it should be in "BioShock"'s sequel. There are enough changes to make it new and worthwhile, while still sticking to the original's core gameplay elements. I found myself right at home with just about everything with interaction and gameplay style.
While the game is incredible, it isn't perfect (Although no piece of art really is). There are still noticeable problems with the radio messages overlapping one another or older ones playing immediately after new messages you just received and decided to listen to. Also, while the story is incredibly strong on it's own merits, when compared to the original "BioShock", it doesn't have a huge twist like I was hoping for. These problems may be distinguishable, but they are in no way a large factor in hurting the game itself. When it comes to looking at "BioShock 2" with his pros and cons, it's easy to decipher that the problems are in no way a threat to endangering your video game experience.
Just about as good as the original's graphics. While that nowhere near a bad thing, it would have been somewhat nice to see a slight upgrade. Though this can be understandable; since the world of Rapture is so large and engrossing.
More fun than ever, gameplay sticks to it's more than loved roots but makes enough right changes to make playing even better.
Old time music is one of the most unique aspects of the "BioShock" franchise's sound. More old tunes enter the mix and create an even better sense of an old time trapped in a devastated town. Radio messages are still creepy and progresses the player's sympathy for the doomed inhabitants of Rapture.
Incredibly strong and gratifying, 2K still manages to create a powerful story for familiar territory. The lack of a major twist is a slight bummer though.
Replay Value:
High. Whether it's to discover the different ways the game can end, or to finish collecting all the trophies, I guarantee everyone will go at this game's single player again at least once.
Final Verdict:
Overall, "BioShock 2" does exactly what a sequel should do: continue a strong franchise's well respected name. Everything about "BioShock 2" works well and entrances the player to finish to the end. If i may say one more thing, I once again played the game as a good person instead of bad. I just can't bring myself to do harm onto the Little Sisters. They remind me of my sister, who will forever remain in my heart, and I just couldn't bear to kill them. I'm always glad I don't, because the endings are always the way I'd want them to end. I cried at both endings for "Bioshock 1 & 2", so be prepared to cry some man tears if you complete the game like I did. So, to get back on track, "BioShock 2" is a must have for video game fans anywhere. It does great justice to the "BioShock" name and leaves people begging for more. It may have slight problems, but they don't hurt the game enough to ruin the overall experience. Can't wait for the next "BioShock" game to arrive in stores.
9.5/10 or 5/5