After beating Burial At Sea episode one I have to admit I was a bit disappointed with it, while the end to it was a bit of a surprise it just felt a little too similar to the actual game and their really wasn't much to it, I don't know I didn't hate it, just wasn't close to as good as the regular game, so most people say that this is the better episode and episode one makes better sense once you play episode two, well lets put that theory to the test shall we?
Story:(Spoiler Alert)So at the end of episode one we find out that their was one last Comstock left in the multiverse we find out that he tried to escape his guilt by going into another time and trying to forget that he accidentally killed Anna when he tried taking her from Booker, so ill be honest their is so many interpretations of the story in Bioshock Infinite let alone the Bioshock universe so i'm going to explain the story to the best of my ability but know that it might not be one hundred percent word for word completely on par with what the game is trying to tell you due to the fact that people will see this games story differently varying by each person. So basically after these events Elizabeth should disappear right? with the last Comstock dead that should mean that she ceases to exist right? Well that is somewhat accurate but somehow their is another version of her don't ask me how but their is, Elizabeth has acquired some guilt in the whole Sally scenario because She had left Sally to burn, so she asks the Luteces if she can go back in time to this scenario and go save Sally The Luteces say they will help her but because their is already an actual Elizabeth in this universe she will be just like a normal girl with her pinky and not able to open tears and they tell Elizabeth what her fate is in this dimension, which getting out of Rapture, i'll explain more as we move on.
Presentation:Playing the actual Bioshock since Episode one has got me more nostalgic about rapture and I have to say it looks amazing in this game, it's a completely different interpretation of it's original art style and it looks great, and not only that but can be a bit scary at times especially when you are little Elizabeth and not Booker Dewitt. The soundtrack in the game isn't the best soundtrack ever but it does have some memorable tracks like La Vie En Rose, and Nocturne OP.9. The presentation is pretty good definitely better then the first episode.
Gameplay:The gameplay is pretty much the same as the original game, you got the same weapons except as I mention in episode one, they can't be upgraded, you got some new vigors and some old vigors, the new ones aren't anything special and the old ones aren't bad but they didn't pick the ones you would want, So basically a new mechanic to the gameplay is actually stealth, since you are playing as Elizabeth you are much weaker and much more low on ammo then Booker Dewit is and normally would be, this isn't a bad idea, but the execution is lazy and their really is no sort of actual ground rules to the stealth mechanic as long as you duck and stay out of the light most of the Splicers will stay our of your way, and as you move on in this game they completely get rid of the sense of stealth completely making the stealth feel second rate and tawdry, especially since the DLC is so short. Elizabeth can also pick locks, all this really is, is the hacking from Bioshock 2 but much more easier, sure it does have its consequences but most of the time you will have no problem getting past the alarms in the lock. A lot of the actual things your doing in this DLC is basically fetch quests, their not very fun but I guess they aren't the worst thing to do either. The gameplay is just to short to completely analyze if this DLC really could have been close to as good as infinite, as it stands the gameplay is just ok, nothing to ride home about.
(Spoiler Alert)So as you actually begin the actual story you will be laying down next to a dead Comstock next to you this is when you see a familiar face in the game, Elizabeth wakes up from being knocked out to hear words from our little friend Atlas from Bioshock tell his men to kill her, she starts seeing an image of Booker, even though this is technically impossible because Booker is not in this dimension, is Elizabeth going looney? he tells Elizabeth the bargain with Atlas, he say to tell Atlas that she will get him out of this department store with the help of Suchong for her life and Sallys also, Atlus agrees. After progressing quite a bit through the game Atlas Realize that Elizabeth is much more valuable because she knows where Atlas's ace in the hole is, after a gnarly torture scene Elizabeth remembers where it is gives it to Atlas into which Atlas hits Elizabeth with a wrench, Elizabeth sees into the future somehow and sees that Jack the protagonist of the original Bioshock will be the one to save sally, So when Atlas is confused and say that the writing is gibberish and asks Elizabeth what it means, she says that Iconic phrase "would you kindly" after this Atlas finishes her off with the wrench to where we see Elizabeth die in Suzies arms.
Overall Burial at Sea Episode two is definitely not perfect, but the way they executed the story's together worked so well, and Elizabeths death had to be possibly one of the most hardest things for most people to see in a video game, she is an Iconic character and to see her go out like that was brutal but further cemented her status into one of the best heroes in gaming, at least in my opinion and I'm sure many others also, this DLC's not perfect but the things it does do right ruminates with you and makes this DLC quite a memorable one.