Overrated to say the least
Unfortunately, what i hoped wouldn't happen happened. Another game promising to do nothing but deliver, lied once again. I should have learned from previous titles which held obsessive compulsive over-the-top advertising campaigns.
P.S. I hate not liking games, so dont dismiss my review like im out to hate games for a living. People arent hyenas, they dont take the time and effort to write bad about something unless they cared/had hope for it in one way or another. Its actually the less mature ones who give games the 1.0's and rage about how they hate it are the ones who care the most. Its they who want to love these games more than any of us.
Ok so this game has great graphics, while nothing new or innovating, they are very smooth and well polished.. but at the same time, what game doesnt have good graphics these days? So moving along..The setting is other worldly and i really like how it makes you feel like you are on top of the world.. Literally.
Second THE GUNS ARE AMAZING. I love the sounds and just the RAW/old fashioned feeling of the guns, wow just the cocking back of the round in the chamber and the sounds of those WW2 ERA industrial factory made top quality rounds..Wow.. I almost splooged when i picked up the carbine for the first time. This actually made me envision what multiplayer could have been like.. I could just picture an enemy player in the sunny courtyard leaning over an upper balcony with a leather hat on his head shooting down at everyone JUST as i peek out from behind the center statue and pop off a round of the M1 Carbine! I would love to watch his body fall down through the clouds.. I could totally picture something like capture the flag with players sliding down the railway bars to escape.. I just feel like multiplayer would be a nice little bonus. It certainly wouldn't hurt! Darn maybe if they just spent 2.9 million on advertising instead of 3 million and used the .01 million they saved for making multiplayer! i would even be happpy with that!
Ok the bad is simple.. This is just another game to throw on top of my pile of games to forget about in a months time and i will explain why. The campaign is painfully linear with nothing on the side to explore beside maybe a room on the left or right that you forgot to check on your way through.. There is NOTHING that will influence you to explore the area around you beside the forced requirement for coins which just makes you dizzy as you have to constantly pan left and right across barrels,crates,trashcans and other pointless things. If anything this just pulls the players focus away from the setting that the developers spent so much time to create.. So you have two options, you can enjoy what the developers spent so much time creating (and miss all the important drops) OR you can keep your eyes on the floor the whole game so you have just enough coins to buy the items you need. It really is annoying that the prices of the vending machine items are based on how many coins exist in the area around you, so you really have no other choice but to find them all.
Enemies are all the same they just come at you in waves, they all die so easily there is no challenge at all, sometimes you can throw a fireball with your hand or something *yawn*. And you never need to find ammo, health, or salts.. It is so abundant that its hard to run out.. This game literally makes me so painfully bored after a half hour i dont even know what to do with myself.. Theres is only one direction you can go in this game,STRAIGHT. Than when you are done running straight for an hour you have to turn around and run all the way back fighting a whole new wave of enemies in the same spots you had just fought them earlier.. And throughout the battles elizabeth just throws you health and bath salts constantly so you never really have to feel threatened or on edge. Its just wayy too easy. Even if you do die you just appear right where you were fighting two seconds earlier.. And to top it all off you cant even get lost! if straight wasn't simple enough for you.. There is a green arrow which points you in the direction that you need to go. And everything that you need to do is highlighted or glowing.
I think overtime people will look back and see how overrated this game really was. The trailers made it seem like a giant open world in the clouds, but there isnt one area where you can explore freely, everything is enclosed. I think some people just like the IDEA of this game.. and what it resembles. I think it really is just all flash and no substance, thats the best way to describe it.. Trust me, i wanted to like this game just as much as the next guy. But it just did not deliver like alot of games have been making a habit of these days..
Oh well. Time to repeat the vicious cycle of hope/letdown with whatever game is coming out next!