Yes it's a fantastic game but it is over too quickly & there's no new game + damn it.
Anyway, Infinite gets off to a brilliant start allowing the player to absorb the atmosphere of Columbia & try a few fairground attractions before hitting the action. Once it kicks in you have a 2 weapon system glorified by Halo & unlike many games that copy that mechanic it's so well done here. There's nearly always a gun kicking around & there are no useless weapons in truth. Even the first pistol you get with a few upgrades can do the biz early on.
Once you get Elisabeth as your side kick the game improves further. She never needs protecting during combat & will toss you ammo, salts (for vigor powers) & health packs. She's cute & she's feisty & you don't need to trick her out either. This girl just earns, tossing money at you very regularly so you can keep getting those upgrades. She can screw with parallel worlds too (called tears) so she can bring weapons & turrets into combat which are highly useful. It's a neat game play mechanic & not over used.
One issue I noticed while playing is how the spammy combat seems to cheapen the overall experience of the game. You've got a brilliant deep story & a stunning backdrop of Columbia dripping with atmosphere but gunplay does have a generic feel to it. Don't get me wrong, combat is very decent thanks to the vigor powers but how about some stealth & tactics. Maybe some cool puzzles. Just something missing that would have made this game a 9.5 instead of 8.5.
Combat does play out the same as in Bioshock 2 roughly. Vigor (plasmids) powers in one hand, gun in the other. Lots of guns also & this is one of the reasons why a no new game plus is so disappointing. So many guns to upgrade but not enough game. I might add that a multiplayer would have been a lot of fun with these guns & powers but fair enough. Just a single player game is fine by me. It's just that it ends so soon. I reckon I did this game in 10 hours, exploring quite thoroughly. I missed about 15 Vox recordings & about 6 sightseeing stations. I've unlocked a mode called 1999 mode which I believe turns the difficulty into System Shock 2 mode but even harder. The final battle will be so damn hard on 1999 mode.
I don't need to go on about the graphics. Just look at the screens. It's a beauty yet it weighs in at nearly 30 gig install space & I wouldn't say it's 7 years advanced from Bioshock visually. Not a game for an old computer but it's beautifully optomised & my humble GTX 460 can run this with surprisingly high settings. Columbia is just a gorgeous place & so explorable. Why not just call it Columbia. Bio means water no? What about aeroshock? Did they fear it just wouldn't sell as many units without the Bioshock name attached, though there is one bit in the game... actually that could be a spoiler. I'll leave it there. A great game right up there with Bioshock 1 but SS2 is always king. Great story & ending, top notch voice acting, decent combat. The game ticks a lot of boxes just wish there was more of it.