This is the best game I have played in a long time!!! MUST BUY GAME OF 2013!!!

User Rating: 10 | BioShock Infinite PC
I am nearing the end of Bioshock Infinite now and i have been addicted to it since it came out on, the keys reason to this is the stunning graphics and the way the game entices you to become more involved with the plot/characters involved in the game.

Playing the game maxed out is just a gaming pleasure, the graphics are brilliant and makes the game playing 10x better cause of it. The game play is also great as a first person shooter, however, near the end you start to tire of Elizabeth throwing you money, yet this is just minor things in the game. The thing that angered me the most was only being allowed 2 weapons at a time, however, this does make the game more difficult and you start to get used to it by the end. Also another good thing about the game play is that Elizabeth doesn't follow you around like a something from Skyrim, she moves to places while you scavenge things making her no where near as annoying as a follower.

The plot is good but just ware off a bit during the middle where the main thing is just exchanges between Booker and Elizabeth, but I am glad they didn't add any cut scenes as it lets the game flow at lot smoother and adds to the experience of getting to know Elizabeth character. However, I do hope there is a DLC which expands on whole revolution in Columbia and some of the more main characters involved such as what happen before all of this.

All in all I feel this is a MUST BUY GAME of 2013 which will entertain me right up until a new major game comes out such as Watch Dogs.

Just clocked the game yesterday, I completely love this game, however, the ending to me was not as good as other bioshock's and also the last 20% of the game was 100x harder then first 80%. However, I still feel this is as close as you will get to a perfect game this year and get you much more involved compared to the other bioshocks. It also brings back the creep feel of bioshock 1 and 2,


also a return to rapture is mind blowing and brilliant was one of the craziest parts in the game and hopefully sets up a new game (we can all hope!)