Bioshock Infinite is Great, but somehow I find myself bizarrely wanting.
It's things like this that make it hard to judge the game, Bioshock Infinite has beautiful graphics, from the glorious floating city and the stunning scenery and ruined and dystopian setting in the later half in the game, with each section tailored for each mood, it really is like an art form. You really do have to give credit to irrational for making each 'chapter' so unique yet stay true to form and make something that is so visually exciting and enticing that you want to see more.
The main beef of the game is the story and it's characters, playing as Booker Dewitt and having Elizabeth is an exhilarating ride, with many twists and each character (especially Comstock) is so amazingly well voiced that it breathes life into the game. However, the Story in the middle feels abit padded, and for some utterly bizarre reason i felt disinterested near the end, and I actually feel bad for it. Because the ending is a good ending, but it feels so pushed about and abit more complex than it really needs to be, and I feel like I should love it and feel it's one of the best endings ever, but i don't , and it's hard to explain.
Bioshock as a shooter, doesn't challenge the conventions of the First-Person Shooter, nor does it change them, it merely accepts them and adds 1 or 2 things we've seen before. The Skyline felt a bit underutilized, and felt somewhat cumbersome and had no real reason to exist rather than a gimmick (I am aware they use it as a method of transport, but it doesn't feel right). It's irritating to see that pretty much everything has been done before, from the Vigors (which are basically Plasmid) to the closecombat kill animations, to the average upgrades to your weapons ( Plus 25% Damage) whatever happened to Bioshocks Buckshots with Armor Piercing and electrobolts?
Another quip i have with the game is the vareity of enemis, the majority feel reskinned and don't feel much different to each one. You pretty much have lots of reskinned soldiers, Crow Soldier, Patriots, Giants and Flamethrower guys. These are pretty much your enemy for the 12 hour run of the game, it doesn't feel like the factions are distinctive against you, and how come you can use vigors and they can't?
It looks like i'm absolutely hating on Bioshock infinite, and i'm not. I still firmly believe that it is a great game, it's just not in the same league as the original. Which I feel is a utter shame and I feel bad for saying it, but I can't kid myself. It's a good story, with superb art direction and characters, mixed with a normal FPS that doesn't change much.
The Good
-Stunning Art Direction and Graphics
-Superb Characters and Voice Acting
-Enjoyable 12 hour ride
The Bad
-Nothing Really New
-Lacking in enemy variations
-Story is great but it's feels like its missing something, it's more a Love/hate thing