Bioshock Infinite has lots of moments that in other games would be epic. Instead they come off as pathetic.
In Bioshock Infinite the player serves as filler for times when a cahracter isn't speaking. Information that is clear to the player from the beginning is held back as a mystery, only to be "revealed" later to no effect. On the other hand, things that are so alien that any normal person would immediately be curios about them are glossed over, only to be brought back later as "twists".
As a shooter, BSI feels antiquated. Which is strange, considering all the new features added into the gameplay. For some reason combat feels very constricting, and exploration is only possible when all enemies are dead in an area. Which is unfortunate, because if there is one thing Bioshock Infinite does right is atmosphere, and in anby other game I would have liked to spend some quality time getting to know Columbia. Alas, I'll have to settle for running down its streets and smacking my face into every corner in the city.