Easily a 9.0 if you're not paying for it!
And then it ends. I beat it in about 8 hours!
But wait! If I spend more money on a already short $60 game I can play more with upcoming DLC! No thanks. Give me a game worth the money I already played and then will see about paying for DLC. And before you go off and say I was playing on very easy or I didn't explore or finish all the side missions, I almost completed everything. I missed one sightseer kinetoscope, whoops. And I was playing on hard.
I feel scored once again by the greed of the industry. I did enjoy what I played but it wasn't enough to justify the price tag. If I had 20-25 hours of content in the game I bought I'd buy the DLC no question. I am not against DLC, hell I bought everything for ME3, but I certainly feel ripped off when a short game is hitting me up for more money before I've even played the thing.