My actual review of Bioshock is here. Pure amazing.

User Rating: 10 | BioShock X360
It seems that the creators of System Shock 2 have come a long way and decided to create a game known as Bioshock. You play as a nameless character who is a survivor of a plane crash in the middle of the pacific ocean. You either take shelter in this tower or face sudden death in the water. Bioshock's setting takes place in the underwater city known as Rapture. It was created in the 1940s by Andrew Ryan who is basically a mad man who gave the people what they wanted. Homes and plasmids. Plasmids are what give you power and they come in a variety of ways like fire, electric bolts, insects, hypnotize, telekinesis and others as well. Of course you can upgrade these plasmids but you need adam which is basically your special money. In order to get adam, you need to get it from Little Sisters. Yes they are little girls but are addicted to adam and you need to rescue them from their addiction or harvest them. What I mean by harvest is this: You rescue them you get a small amount of adam. If you harvest the little ones then you get the maximum amount of adam. The bad part about this choice is the outcome of the whole game. Also you need to beat their guardians, so to speak, who are Big Daddy's. These bad boys are lumbering giants you escort the Little Sisters to the dead and receive adam. You need to kill them to kill or save the girl. So let's go over the good and bad.

GOOD: Excellent storyline, excellent graphics, Rapture is an amazing place (for a destroyed place), makes you think this place exists, pure amazing.

BAD: . . . . . . . . . I got nothing.

Bioshock is a great experience and I'm play this game again to find out what happens when you harvest the girls. Bioshock is a masterpiece. A 10 out of 10.