ou can pretty much do anything in this game. Plasmids are the biggest thing. If you just ran through the game with just guns, it would be boring. Most of the time I'm not even focused on my main objectives in the game. I'm focused on exploring and finding plasmids and tons of secret stuff that you wouldn't find if you didn't explore. This game like never gets boring. Plasmids are my favorite thing in the game. What other game can you hack security stuff to make it a friendly, of even make your worst enemies a friendly. You can freeze people and shatter them with your wrench, make a swarm of bees come out of you arm to attack someone, electrocute your enemy and set them of fire with your fingertips. And there's also plasmids like telekinesis, cyclone trap, enrage, and many more. Not including all the other upgrades you get called gene tonics. And may I say, the fire detail for spreading and stuff like that is very realistic. The weapons are awesome, and very fun. Totally customizable too. Different kinds of ammo rounds rounds is cool too. I think versing big daddy's are very fun. But with the little sisters, I did the whole game with out rescuing one. HAHA. I wanted the ADAM. But the thing I didn't understand is that the end of the game I didn't have enough ADAM to upgrade and get new plasmid stuff and gene tonic stuff. I had 3 remaining by the end. That's pretty much the only down side about this game.
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