Often, you will find yourself surrounded by enemies. Never, will you find yourself surrounded by friends.

User Rating: 9.5 | BioShock X360
With a astonishing plane crash, Bioshock draws you in right from the beginning. The wondrous world of Rapture has been run over by politics, and its own version of drugs and drug users, Adam and Splicers. While you may be lost on in a world that seems so real and creepy, you are constantly reminded that you have a task at hand. Get yourself out of there. But as the plot thickens, revenge is not only an option, but a must.

As you move along in the story, you become entangled in the world of Rapture. You become some sort of Guinea Pig in what is some sick place, surrounded by sick people. Bioshock pushes your moral, seeing the lengths you will go to make things easier on yourself. But remember, every bad deed comes with a consequence.

~What is Did Well~

*Great Story and Characters
*Creepy and astonishing atmosphere.
*Without moving to RPG, gives the ability to make important decisions throughout the game.
*High replay value for a single player, FPS.
*Cool Hacking System

~What it Didn't do Well~

*Slightly disappointing final boss fight.