Fun game play, re-play value and a twist? All I have to say is GOD DAMN in a good way of course.

User Rating: 8 | BioShock PS3
Usually playing a demo for a game helps me decide whether I would like to buy it or not, in Bioshock's case the demo wasn't enough for me. A friend of mine let me borrow Bioshock and I have to say it is easily one of the best games I've played all summer. The environment was new and creative, not to mention creepy and strangely appealing, followed by its dark, strange and mysterious atmosphere. The only thing I found confusing about this game is the random stiff dead cats just laying around, if there was a trophy for making them go flying threw the air, it would have been my very first trophy, not to sound insane or messed up, but I beat the first one with a wrench for at least 10 minutes. Some advice is, even though harvesting the little sisters seems like it would be better and more entertaining, DONT you get way more stuff and eve from saving them... I give bioshock 9 out of 10 flying stiff dead cats!