A solid game, but the slowest FPS ever...

User Rating: 7.5 | BioShock PC
Yesterday I finished BioShock and actually found it to be quite frustrating.

Nevertheless, I'll start with the positive:

Despite combat being a little clunky sometimes the game runs fine. The graphics are pretty sweet, nothing amazing, but not bad either. The voice acting is top-notch. Gamespot's review was spot on there.

However, I found the game to be incredibly frustrating in the fact that in order to make the story more epic, they make the game longer. I am a fan of longer games, but in a 10 hour game where there is probably only 6 hours of awesome story, something is wrong.

The story, is quite intriguing and the endings and few moral choices you make int he game can be pretty controversial, but a lot of the time I felt like I was just grinding through the exact same enemies I've killed hundreds of times before JUST to try and continue the story.

The game involves quite a bit of customization, considering it is a shooter, but I didn't spend a single point of ADAM the entire final level. Why? Because I just wanted the game to be over and see the story.

It seems that the game begins at a good pace, and starts off well, but somewhere in the middle you are just trudging along to simply get further just to "get further" without any real desire. The game would have been amazing if only they had trimmed it.

Sadly, I don't really have any desire to play BioShock 2 because I am not looking forward to going back to that grind called Rapture.

However, it did play well, and had a great story, and for that I give it a 7.5... It just could have been so much better if only it had been refined... *sigh*