The complete package.
This game is, above all else. an experience. What I mean by that is, from the very moment the game starts, the first fifteen minutes of play, and the hours and hours after that, you are inescapably drawn into their world, and you end up enjoying every minute of it.
The reason for that is that this game has no weak link in its chain, it is the complete package:
Graphics - the graphics are nice, from the models, to the textures on everything, and to the overall art style with which you are presented. The mobs that you fight have enough variations in their looks and types that you really don't feel like you're playing a stuck record. It is a couple of years old at this point, so you're not really going to see much of anything that is going to leave you breath-taken, but at the same time it all still looks very nice.
Music- the music selection is spot-on for the setting and time period. You'll often find yourself wandering by a radio that's spouting out a real hit from the 1930s-1940s, and the ambience is both creepy and appropriate.
Story - the plot and premise are both equally intriguing and creepy. You feel very lost, as you're supposed to, but they pull you in and sell it to you in such a way that you have trouble putting it down. And as strange as the plot is, they somehow manage to make it believable in a way that some games fail to do so.
Combat/Gameplay - the combat is good but perhaps one of the places that could have used a few more tweaks. Enemies react differently to certain types of weapons/ammunition, which is all well and good. And through "research" you can even become more proficient at taking them down. However, they don't seem very affected by shot placement, so a shot in the stomach is seemingly worth just as much as a heart shot or a head shot. Hate to say it, but any game that falls prey to this inadequacy has missed the boat somewhere along the way. For a seasoned FPS player, hit-boxes not including incentives for accurate groupings is a huge no-no. However, that being said, the game provides a very large array of guns and powers to play with, even including ammo types for the guns which waaaaayyy too many games fail to realize the real potential of.
Items/Inventory - This is the one area of the game where the way they chose to handle it kind of made me go "Huh?" Basically, there is no inventory system. Well, not basically, actually. You pick up items; guns, ammo, health kits, "junk", etc. But... there's no way to view what you're holding, and there's no limit (with the exception of ammunition) to how much you can hold. It doesn't take much more time to go ahead and program that in, so if you're going to include such RPG elements as item collection, there's really no logical reason not to include a way to view, arrange, etc. those items. Maybe it was a stylistic choice, but I didn't understand it.
Yes, I have a couple complaints about the game, but they are so overwhelmingly dominated by things that were done SO right that I would be a fool not to recommend this to anyone who even remotely enjoys FPS games. Pick it up, try it out, have fun.