I cant stand playing this game more than 3 hours at a time because it gets too repetitive! Now dont get me wrong, this game is amazing, but it is repetitive.
On the brighter side, or should i say darker, the visuals are amazing, even when u die it looks good! They really got the idea of run down city acrossed well.
The gameplay, the idea of the game is this guy atlas.....well i really dont know i dont really listen to him i just go where it tells me to. Well this underwater city called.....rapture was destroyed by a civil war and now everyones zombies for some reason and theese little ugly things that are supposed to look like little girls are walking around with theese huge things in diving suits guarding them that are called "Big Dadies" and they wont attack you unless you attack them first. So your supposed to kill the "Big Dadies" and then either kill the little girl and it will give you a bunch of adam or you can save the little girl which will give you not as much adam but after every five girls that you save it will give you a new power and 200 adam.
The combat.........is FREAKIN SWEET! So in the begining you start out with a wrench........and in the end you end up with a wrench, a pistol, a machine gun, a shotgun, a bazooka, a chemical thrower, and a crossbow in that order.
The combat II, then you get theese things called plasmids, which can do a number of things, you could paralyze an enemy with lighting, or shock them if there in water. Set them on fire, or melt ice. Turn them to ice, the bash them till they break. Send insects at them, until they die. Move things with your mind, then throw it at them. Enrage them to put them on your side. Only a few of the plasmids in bioshock. There are also plasmids that help you, BUT.... i dont wanna get into that.
The difficulty, The difficulty in this game is a little to easy. See its really really really hard to die in this game, even when its on Hard! Even if you do die you spawn almost right in the place where you die!
Well anyway its a 9.0 in my book!