I am stunned by this game. It has a kind of engaging complexity to it that is really magical. The 1960 ish presentation of Rapture and its environs is quite clever and well done. It is possibly the best game I have ever played. Extremely creative, challenging and fun. My hat is off to the devlopers for their brilliant creativity. Wow! The set is unique and very believable in an unbelievable sort of way if that makes any sense. The use of lighting is dramatic at times and very subtle at others. Rapture is a beautifully macabre place with a streak of genuine madness. I keep expecting Jack Nicholson as the Joker to jump out at me or maybe even Freddy Krueger. Actually Freddy Krueger would be much preferred to some of the characters you will meet in this game. The use of plasmids and other powers is done in a very unique and fun way. This game has many surprises and real depth of play. The set is wide open and can be explored except for the fact that danger lurks around almost every corner. The story line is very engaging through and through and I can't help but feeling that we are moving toward a pretty interesting and exciting climax. A nice break from the tactical shooters. Rich in detail and madcapped sounds this game will scare the hec out of you but most of the time you will be too busy to be scared. Oh by the way the battle action is pretty darn good too! Excellent AI as well. Great Job....Game of the decade material ! With games as good as this who needs multi-player.
Have you ever dreamed of a place where morality and religion don’t exist? A place where the sole limit of science and industry is man’s imagination? Dream no more, friend; welcome to Rapture. BioShock is the much-hype... Read Full Review
In a time where there are literally thousands of first person shooters out there, BioShock proves that there still is something for the genre that has not yet been done. It combines atmosphere, story, and gameplay like n... Read Full Review