BioShock delivers amazing story development and holds very detailed graphics with a perfect game-play suited right.
+ Graphics
+ Very great sound effects and Voice Acting
+ Intense Gameplay
+ Very detailed Storyline
+ Truly Never Done Before
+ Holy $%!T Momments
The Bad:
- Dying seems nothing
- Hacking
- It Ends some Point
Sneaking through the cornings, avoiding all costs of those pesky security cameras, looking for some Adam to develope that potential warrior inside your body. You don't know what is right and wrong down here, and you really don't need those morals at the momment. For now, it is the fittest that survives on the top of the food chain down here with the Splicers. The only wrong you seek is the heartless Andrew Ryan, the maker of this place, Rapture, and you are going to find him and finally make Rapture yours, or make it burn in hell.
BioShock is truly the Next Gen Game since Gears of War for the Xbox 360. The developers were tormenting us with astounding trailors that made everyone think how they could pull this off? The world of Rapture, the place where the games takes place, does really feel real, and actually breathes over your shoulder. So many twists and turns that will make you so confuse that you have no idea what to do next. I won't go too far into the story because finding out the rest is truly up to you, the player.
BioShock takes place on the Mid-Alantic, 1960, and you are flying in your plane when all of a sudden it crashes into the middle of the ocean. Luckily, there is a small lighthouse right next to you and that lighthouse will take you into the depts of the ocean into Rapture, the underwater city. You could see Rapture as Alantis or something if you want to put terms into that. However, it is under hell construction because the whole place is sinking, literary. You will meet foes and as well friends, but mostly foes. Enjoy the story because it will serve you until the end. The gameplay is truly amazing with easy to use combat system and as well controls. The controls are like a standard first person shooter, and the shooting button is as well the "RT". However, with plasmas scatter all over the city of Alantic, you are treated with other source of self defense. Plasmas are basically your spell attacks, but in reality and more realistic. For an example, you can fire out fire balls but your hand looks like it is severly burnt and looks like it is bleeding half the time. The health system is pretty the same as others, got a bar to fill but you have nine health packs you can hold so you can regenerate by using one. The unique is the EVE bar, which is your plasma bar when you use them, is the same as the health, but when you use your injector to inject more so you can recharge, your protaginist will stab is wrist with the injector. Another helpful feature is having to change your bullets for combat. You can change your ammo by using your d-pad. Simply put, there is anti-armor, anti-personal, and just regular bullets. Some weapons can have some different affects like the gernade launcher has heat seeking as one and mines. The one point of the game that doesn't make sense it the fact you can't die. You will get relived by the VitaChambers, more like checkpoints but all the stuff you did is already done.
The one point of the game that makes it truly a classic is the RPG element. You can upgrade just about anything on your body. From hacking to strength, BioShock truly will let you upgrade by using the Gather's Garden. This vending machine, like other vending machines, are scattered all over the city and are used to upgrade your skills and plasmas. However, what truly revolves around this game is the hunting of the Little Sisters. You have to kill the Big Daddies first, big bulky guys in sea suits, and then choose if you will sacirfice the child for the Adam or save her from it. You get more if you kill her, and you get less by saving her. However, a doctor will give you presents, like giving more Adams. Adams are basically the experience you get from killing or saving these little girls.
The sound is just marveluous. You can simply love the music they put into the game, and some of them are quite familar. The game will feature some good and classical melodies and have some 1950'a music, making it perfect the way they did it. The voice acting is truly unreal and s superb, it is so perfect. I love how the Splicers, insane people of Rapture, will swear their throats off. It just spectacular, and have really great values! Graphics are perfect and crystal clear like a bottle of water. The water effects are out of this America beautiful. The designers really did a superb job of making Rapture feel like you are really in the sinking world. The character models look very scary with the things you can do with them. Leaving bullet markes on the body to letting them burn to death with unreal fire wounds. I can't explain how good these graphics are but just saying that no developer had made graphics like this since Riddick or Doom 3, at that time period.
At the end of the day, you will feel very satified with the game you just bought or rented. The achievements are pretty much easy or hard to get to, but that is your choice. At some point, however, the game just ends, and you won't be happy about that but to replay the game over just because it was so damn fun. BioShock delivers amazing story development and holds very detailed graphics with a high end gameplay suited right.