I must be the only sane person left on the planet

User Rating: 7 | BioShock X360
Why do people give a game a near perfect score and then say that 'It has some flaws"? I think that we 360 owners are in such a need of a great game for our next gen platforms that we just accept medicore games and call them great because that what we wish we were playing. This game is not great it just decent. Its a first person shooter thats weak on the shooting. I SAID ITS WEAK ON THE SHOOTING. Ok the story is cool and the environment is cool its a great mystery and adventure but thats it. They left out the combat and exploration. Gamespot gave a great score but thats no surprise I get the feeling that they feel more a need to appease the developers than the players and are doing us a deservice. (especially us suscribers). there is no online play and you get force feed what to do. I demand more! i want a great story, great environment and a great shooter and until that happens on this platform I will not give a great score.