Back of the box says "The Genetically Enhanced Shooter." You'll find that Bioshock is more than that.
The thing about this game that makes it so complete, is the number of things to do in the game. There is the normal shooting aspect of any good shooter implemented in the game. This "normal" combat is pretty solid, and can get hectic at points in the game. When a lot of enemies are in the room, this is where the games shooting mechanics will shine the most. Then also in the combat category, is the magic attacks of the game, which are called plasmids. These power-ups are the part that makes the game: "The Genetically Enhanced Shooter." Anything from electrically shocking someone, to lighting them on fire, to sending bugs at them. This makes the game a whole lot of a fun, and sometimes comical at some points.
As for more elements to the gameplay, there is a hacking element in the game. The hacking game, is a series of pipes leading from one end of a puzzle to the next. Sometimes it involves being a little tricky, but overall the hacking is pretty fun, and gives you rewards. Like making a camera spot enemies and sending machines at them. Or taking stationary turrets and using them against enemies. This adds a great element to the game, and is a fun mini game to get used to.
There is so much environment in the game to explore, that makes it great to see what you can find. You can find anything from journals to tonics, and other great things. Although the game makes you feel as if you shouldn't do this, it's probably the best part of the gameplay, to see what other easter eggs you can find.
But the best part of the game by far is the game's story. You crash in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, and find this random lighthouse. You enter it only to find an elevator like thing that takes you underwater. You then find the city of Rapture. This immediately gets you sucked into the plot wondering what the heck is going on in this place. The other things that will keep the story going on the journals. You find out what has gone on in this twisted place, and what has happened to certain people in the game. These journals at times are very haunting or gruesome, and keep you wanting more. With enough plot twists to keep you going, this is one of the best stories in a first person shooter that we've seen in a while.
Your enemies in the game are called splicers. These weird looking people have this urge to kill whatever comes their way. These people are insane, and this also gets you into the story more wondering why these people have gone mad. Although the enemies get tougher in the game but look kinda the same, which can be kinda weird. The other main enemies in the game are the big daddies. These things protect the little sisters which contain a substance called ADAM. This is the stuff that the splicers are all after since it will give them more plasmids. Overall the enemies are practically looking for a fix the entire game, and they will do everything and anything to get it.
The Graphics of the game are very nice, with some great water effects (seeing as you are underwater and all). For example going under a water leak area, will put water on the camera and you will feel as if you just came out of the ocean. Although are some technical issues with the graphics. The frame rate will trip up sometimes, usually later in the game. Although the frame rate will hitch up to single digit, which can be very frustrated for your experience. The enemies look really great, although deformed. This adds another spooky part to the game, which is a very nice touch.
The sound of the game is kinda what you would expect. With a nice cinematic score, this game truly captures the darkness of Rapture. The noises are distinguishable between different security systems, which is good since you know what is going on if someone spots you.
In essence this game is a book that is interactive. With a very nice look to it, a very intriguing story, and a great combat system, this is truly one of the best shooters to come out since Halo came out on the Xbox.