Holy Wow!! Best Singleplayer game of this generation!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | BioShock X360
The combat is below average, the graphics are good, and the story is excellent. Together they make an excellent interactive experience. The game does suffer from some frame rate issues, but most are brief and easily overlooked. If it does bother you, you can turn down the graphics and the frame rate will improve. Yes, there is a graphics option on the 360 verion. Now that I have gotten some of the less exciting stuff out of the way, lets talk about why the game is soo awesome. There is something about Rapture that just grabs you and wont let go. The whole city feels like walking into a ghosttown. There isnt really anyone around and you dont know why. You are driven by the mystery of rapture, what happened, why are you there, who is responsible for this whole mess. This game is flatout amazing, and i am not even going to try to explain exactly why. It is like a good book, but without all the annoying reading. This game is a step in the right direction and hopefully will set the bar for all the other developers.