Bioshock delivers in ways that no other first-person experience ever has.

User Rating: 9.5 | BioShock X360
Bioshock offers the best graphics on the Xbox360, rivaling only Gears of War for the time being. The gameplay is fairly generic, it is a first-person shooter at the core, but guns are not your only option. The combination of standard guns and amazing plasmid attacks makes for thrilling combat. I think that the difficulty, if you could call it that, is just right, because while you do respawn with your enemies widdled down as much as you did, the flow of the game is better the less you have to do that. Is it super punishing? No, but dying is still something you don't want to do. I see it as a compromise between starting over from scratch everytime and the increasingly popular Halo-type-hide-in-a-corner-and-wait-to-heal system.

If you can, play this with surround sound, and if you are experienced with shooters, just play it on the highest difficulty to start, because while you may want to go back and play it again to find the audiofiles and plasmids, it will feel a bit redundant doing it again so soon after beating the game.

Graphically, this game is unmatched. The water effects are amazing and it runs at a pretty smooth rate. I had some issues with the game locking up in menus from time to time, but they may be more my system's fault than the game's. Who can tell anymore.

This has one of the best stories I've ever come across in a game, and the narration of it via the aforemention audio files, posted propoganda and the level of detail of the environments truly immerse you in this world. The voice acting and dialogue are as good as it gets.

Don't hesitate, if you want a next-gen experience, play this game. You won't be disappointed.