Lackluster Shooter with great textures. Great looking water doesnt make a great shooter! Not an RPG or a Shooter! Rent .

User Rating: 7.5 | BioShock X360
The best textures Ive seen in a game but the play is not all that great. The story is good if you want to play the game to walk through it for the story. The shot report is poor and the environments is virtually indestructable. The zombies have no AI intelligents what so ever and just run at you. Just watch them respawn over and over again in the beehive area. Shooting bee's is out of your arm just isnt fun.

The guns are old looking and boring to shoot and you must continually pick up a bullettt her and there which gets old quick. No blood splatter? Shooting BIg Daddies is boring and unsatisfying as you shoot them there isnt even a spart to indiacte you hitting anything.

WHY TOO MUCH FLIPPING THROUGH WEAPONS WHILE YOU INA FIRE FIGHT. 1 gun will have 5 bullets , the other 12, the other 2 get my point , real old quick.

Funny how many poeple rated this a 10 who hadnt even played it yet??? Just over excited for a good game.

A must rent for anyone though but not a buy for me thank fully I rented it.