Lackluster Shooter with great textures. Great looking water doesnt make a great shooter! Not an RPG or a Shooter! Rent .
The guns are old looking and boring to shoot and you must continually pick up a bullettt her and there which gets old quick. No blood splatter? Shooting BIg Daddies is boring and unsatisfying as you shoot them there isnt even a spart to indiacte you hitting anything.
WHY TOO MUCH FLIPPING THROUGH WEAPONS WHILE YOU INA FIRE FIGHT. 1 gun will have 5 bullets , the other 12, the other 2 get my point , real old quick.
Funny how many poeple rated this a 10 who hadnt even played it yet??? Just over excited for a good game.
A must rent for anyone though but not a buy for me thank fully I rented it.