Okay first of all Bioshock is a game that everyone with a 360 should experience, however, there are things that greatly hamper this game from being as good as it could have been. When I first read Jeff's review I immediately found myself at odds with it, but I had only spent about 2 hours with the game. Bioshock is like a beautiful rose with thorns scattered sporadically around its stem. By now you probably have already heard about all of the things that makes Bioshock a great experience such as the great plot, atmosphere, and sound including the 40's esque score. I on the other hand, want to go over the things that the player should be wary of, and again I was not able to come up with a spoiler free explanation so readers beware. First of all Bioshock contains a pretty well written storyline, well at least the body of it is well written, and the method in which the player can become engaged with it is very refreshing. Note that I said, "can", Bioshock's story is not thrown in the player's face and he or she can chose to ignore it if they just want to get on with the action. The ending of the story, or at least the ending I got (don't know if there are multiple endings yet), was extremely disappointing given the buildup I received from the franticly paced body. I have to say that Jeff's pet peeves were dead on for me, and I couldn't agree more with his gripes with the game. One thing that I recognized that every other reviewer seems to have taken a blind eye to, is that Bioshock is really much more linear than the developers lead on, in fact at times arrows are even put to use. I don't really like the way the developers chose to handle death, especially when you get to the end of the game and you're no longer able to be instantly revived by the vita-chamber and it just seems inconsistent. Speaking of inconsistency, the enemies seem to greatly level by the end of the game on hard mode, and trust me at times you will be struggling to take on even a few of the lower powered enemy types such as the spider splicers. Once again I am going to speak on inconsistency within the game (no not the spontaneous fun kind), by the time you finish the level Hephaestus you are going to be thoroughly satisfied with the game, and I would recommend that you just stop playing there because at least then you wouldn't have to be tortured for the rest of your days with thoughts of what could have been. After you beat Hephaestus you will go on a mission to become a big daddy, but please don't get too excited, being a Big Daddy is like being a fatter slightly more resilient version of yourself with crappy vision. At this point in the game you will have realized just how powerful the real big daddies are, they can kill splicers in a nanosecond, and take as much damage as an armored tank. However, you are not a real big daddy, the enemies seemed to take the same amount of damage, and you even seem to take about the same amount of damage from attacks. So basically you sound like a big daddy, see like a big daddy, and even take up as much space as a big daddy but you yourself are not a real big daddy. Further pissing me off, and inarguably the worst part of the game is the mission that will follow the hunt for fool's gold that you were just taken on. So if you were playing Point Prometheus and thought it was bad please just stop there...For the mission that follows you will be escorting a little sister through various points so she can open up doors and collect adam, but keep in mind that really you are just a mere pseudo daddy, oh yeah and remember that rule that little sisters can only be hurt after the big daddy is taken down, well throw that completely out of the window. Apparently the developers realized that it was an idiotic idea too, but they decided to change it only for you, you should feel special huh? The escort mission is much less escorting and more following as you have virtually no control over where the little sister goes...and she doesn't care too much about her life either, you'll be hoping that she'll know to run away from that killer houdini splicer, but no trust me she won't. Okay there is one thing that makes this mission less frustrating, but also even more idiotic, and that is that when a little sister dies you can just go get another one...did I mention that there are an infinite amount of little sisters...yeah dumb huh? So anyway I get to ending, and I'm thinking to myself please just end this on the marvelous note that I've been expecting since I laid my hands on this game, and I'll forgive all of my past irritations with you. Let me just say, that I was not pleased at all, you're lead into a completely boring ( see also trite, conventional, predictable, insert similar adjectives here) boss fight in which you fight another of those stupid juiced up bosses that follows an easily guessable pattern and is more than willing to run into whatever explosive canisters you like. Basically he's the bull, and you're the matador, but I wouldn't even call it as much of a sport as bullfighting (at least the bulls have like a 10 percent chance of spearing the matadors). By the end of the game you'll be wondering if you were really the master the whole time, and in fact Mr. Fontaine was your little puppet slave. The ending was also not satisfying at all, but I do have to say it was at least surprising, because well I was expecting one of decent quality.Overall: 3/4's of the game was amazing, and the last quarter was a complete piece of crap, the game therefore gets an 8.5
Have you ever dreamed of a place where morality and religion don’t exist? A place where the sole limit of science and industry is man’s imagination? Dream no more, friend; welcome to Rapture. BioShock is the much-hype... Read Full Review
In a time where there are literally thousands of first person shooters out there, BioShock proves that there still is something for the genre that has not yet been done. It combines atmosphere, story, and gameplay like n... Read Full Review