A flawless victory for the FPS genre..
Funny thing is, you can get it at your local game store for $19.99 and $14.99 used!! Best $15.00 I've ever spent, I have already beat it TWICE and I'm not even close to being finished with the game.. It's just to hard to put down.. A lot of people are looking to buy this game now because Bioshock 2 is right around the corner. *crosses fingers*
A buddy of mine told me he wants to play the game but he is just going to wait for the second one because it has multiplayer.. This is a huge mistake!! Because you are missing out on THE BEST video game story ever written!! Seriously!! Plus, if you DO decide to just play the second, you are going to want to play the first after beating the second one, and you'll have missed out on an epic plot twist that still has my head spinning after beating it twice that Bioshock 2 will most likely ruin for you because it s a SEQUAL! So do yourself a favor and don't miss out on this incredible game!
With that being said, would you kindly go to your local game store and buy yourself a copy of Bioshock...