It's not revolutionary but it is close to it. About as close as you can get. It's Incredible Action Adventure game.
The story of Rapture was great but what dissapointed me was that it didn't tell basically anything about your charactor. His name I heard once and I think it was Doyle. But still I love the story about the city of Rapture.
Sound: The sound is abosolutely the best I have ever heard in a game. The voice acting on the audio diaries sounds so real that you coudn't tell the difference if the person was acting or not. The music did seem a little to old but it was still good.
Awesome. There are a few bad textures but it does look great especially the city of Rapture. That city looks beautiful.
One of the most exciting and grusome Action Adventure games you will find. Melee attacks are sadly more fun than shooting your guns. I wish that there were more boss battles. There is only about three or four and all of those bosses are easy to defeat. The last boss is definetily a dissapointment if you are one of those that is looking for a challenge. But the boss thing is minor and the game easily does a great job of making you have fun
Overal I would recommend this game to anyone that likes action games. Go out and BUY IT TODAY!