Original and most definitely a game that cuts no corners, Bioshock does almost everything right that matters.
However, it has some of the best moments in a videogame I've ever played, a rare, undoubtedly and unquestionably experience that shows games can be art.
Good: Incredible graphics, from the vibrant and rich detail in every level to the spectacular use of lighting, its just amazing. Solid and original plasmid gameplay,diverse gunplay and light rpg elements work to make the game just right most of the time. Great sound and voicework. Taking pictures and hacking never get old, nor does taking out a Big Daddy (I killed them in almost every way possible, including with a wrench). The game is not to short or too long, and is always fair.
Bad: NOTE THESE ARE VERY MINOR PROBLEMS The game hiccups occasionally, some of the mission objectives seem like a chore (collecting, escort,etc.), it looses steam in the last couple of levels, and the ending wasn't satisfying enough (I rescued all the little sisters). Repetitive enemy/little sister chatter gets annoying, and seemed a little too easy or too hard at times (on medium difficulty)