game crashed a few times but overall is a great game and i will play it again on hard mode. ............................

User Rating: 9.5 | BioShock PC
silly activation must have internet. only allowed 2 activations, (2 times then what)? trash? must have dvd in drive to play. must install securom crap. i had to use dameon tools and an image file just to put the dvd away in a safe spot. i hate having to play a game, look for the dvd insert and play (no). i like just click on icon and play, not searching for dumb dvd which i have so much junk around my pc i can't seem to find anyway,. :) . xxxxx.xxxx x xxxxxx.x xx xsxsxx/x ssx xx/x sxsxsx/x sx sx sx /sx sx sxs /sx s xsx /x sx sx sx s/x sx sxs xs xs/ xsx sx s/ x s/xs/x s xsx /sx sx/ s/x sx /s/ xsx /s /xs x//s xsx sx/ s/x s/x /x /sx s/ x/s x/s/x s/ x/sx/ s/ x/s x/sx /s/ x/x/x//xx/x/ x/x//x/x /x/ //x/sxx xx /x/x xx x . xs xs xs .xs xxx x sx s.x sx xsx .sx s.x sxs xsx .sx s.x.s sx s. xsxsx s. xx s x.s