Shooked & w8ing for more !

User Rating: 9 | BioShock PC
Since the first footage that Ken LEvine presented i was really interestet in this game it reallly presented a new setting that no other FPS did for a long time .... at first the splicing system wasn't presented bt the modiafiable weapons & A.I. system was allreayd present so it was a real bang ! as you start in the game ...your caracter allmost is nameless hero like the 1one in FEAR fact i just finished the game momments a go & the most important thing that the game suggests is that you were bonr in RAPTURE .... & in the superb momments of the story you will truly have the feeling that after you discover this part you really want to undue what you have done the game is very reaplayble ... in fact i'm sure that i will replay it in 6 months just to seee another ending ...the story is done with hoolywood movies style like " The prestige " !!!! The backgorund that the game offers is superb & you really felll that the city is alive & the mutated "spliced" citizens bring out the worst parts in ppl & in fact i think that we in the real world whould react like them in case of some plague or alien invasion ! The weapon gameplay is your standard FPS basic & your splicing abilities are very familiar to those spells from DARK MESSIAH but with 2-3 or three upgrades per weapon or ability ... another thing is just like playin an RPG is the apssive skills withc are very well implemented & the mini puzzles wehn you hack bots & terminals ! The only down side of the gameplay is caused bu the graphics ... alltough it looks cinematic the UNREAL 3 engine was used in a to much colourfull way i really wanted to get scared like in STALKER but because of the colors & some unrealistic effects you wont so don't espect any thrills ...only good gameplay .... in fact the only thrill comes from the big daddy & little sisters in the mommment you face them & especiialy from the story momments withc i think will be different depending on withc path you chose . I was vey satisfied by the game & its allmost the next step in the FPS genre that everyone expected truly the 1st or 2nd canditate in the FPS of the year list ! Play it !