Why is this supposedly so good, because it really isn't....
Well i'd read the reviews, watched a few flicks and thought it would be a nice new game i could play. Got her installed, put all the settings to maximum knowing my PC could handle it. I start the game and the gfx are decent, im thinking it can just get better once i actually see the lightings and other things etc. So i get into the real game finally and the gfx are not up to par with other big titles that have been out or are coming out. COD2 looks better or the same to me. I thought at first i missed some options, so i went back looking for AA and AF filters but there not even there!
Anyways i'd been told the story is awesome like your in a movie and the game itself is very refreshing. Well the story wasn't amazing, the gameplay was far from something new. Go here get this to open this then u can move on kind of bull we've seen so many times. And for being FPS the guns in this game are extremely lacking, and on the hardest difficulty i found ammo far and few between. I also though the big daddy fights would be something too talk about... WRONG just shoot it a ton, die a few times, and come back to him where u left off every time, really theres no skill involved u cant not die from most big daddy's. Another thing is the plasmids.. this is nothing new its essentially just magic with its own mana even.