Review: BioShock
Bioshock is the spiritual successor to the venerable System Shock series, a series of supposedly great FPS games on the PC, I wish I could say that I have had a long running history with the series, but sadly I have been one of the many that have never played a game in the series at all.
It is 1960; you are a war hero on your way across the ocean on a Transcontinental flight when the plane goes down, you wake up to find you are the lone survivor of the crash, near a lone island which only has a skyscraper on it, which leads to the under water city of Rapture and the horrors and psychological nightmare contained within.
WOW! That about sums up the graphics of Bioshock, the graphics textures, and even character design will blow you away! This game is a feast for the eyes! Every little detail is lush and vibrant, sets the creepy and unnerving atmosphere presented. every little detail here is lovingly wrapped with its own look and atmosphere and will blow you away and helps to make Rapture feel like it really exists!
Those expecting a good soundtrack for the sound department will be happy to know that they will receive it here. Moody and moving all at the same accord help draw you into the damp death trap that is Rapture The sound effects are also top notch and are as good as sound effects can get. The Voice acting is top notch and helps to suck you in and every character has their own voice as well as their own dialogue. That said some of the vending machines call noise gets annoying after a while.
If you have played a FPS on the 360 than you know what to expect, though I found the fact that the Plasmid, especially if you are using the Telekinesis power and Hack buttons were the same a little frustrating the control is solid otherwise, and very intuitive.
Considering All of the love pored into this game I would have liked to have seen some multiplayer aspects put in for after the game had been beat, but considering the single player experience the game stand good enough on it's own, and with the promise of different endings being displayed I will be playing this one for a while, and anyone who wants to play this will as well.
Play this game! Do it now! Unless you aren't old enough to play an M Rated game, you will not be sorry!
Game play
Fun factor
Average score
Captivating Story
Good music
Amazing graphics
Kick ass action
No Multiplayer
Some of the Vending Machines can get on your nerves.