Bioshock is a game that EVERYONE has heard of and praise to no end. But does it hold up? We'll see about that.

User Rating: 6 | BioShock PS3
(Note, this isn't a very good review. I didn't go into depth much at all, but I will when I get to its TERRIBLE sequel.)

OK, I'm gonna start right off the bat by saying that this is my opinion, do NOT send me messages saying "ur wrong bioshock is pure win!!!!". I will say this right now, Bioshock is not a very good game. It does have alot of good things about it, but it ain't the Holy Grail of the FPS genre people. Half Life 2 which I really didn't care for, is a much better FPS. System shock 2 for Christ sake. I could list so many games that are better, but that's not what you're here to read, you're here to read a review of Bioshock.

To start off, the game is gorgeous. Its very atmospheric, and a tech demo for today's technology. You do some objectives you get used to the controls, then you're into the main plot. Once again same as my GTA4 review, I will NOT be spoiling it. You want the story play the game. But I will say this, theres plot twist and if you've played it you know what I'm talking about. Everyone said this was a genius plot twist. However its a BS plot twist that I called within I'd say an hour of gameplay.

I've already touched upon the graphics and how BEAUTIFUL this game looks lets go into the gameplay. I'll start this one right off the bat by saying the shooting mechanics feel rather boring, same applies to the weapons. With a laughably small arsenal and almost pointless upgrades, I think the SHOOTING part of this FPS fell flat on its ass. Though the plasmids are very cool, manipulating the environment as a weapon is a nice feature as well.

I was disappointed by the endings, all THREE of them. It wasn't to bad, but it seems like they got lazy with them. Maybe not Fallout 3 lazy, but they were a disappointment.

In conclusion, Bioshock is not a bad game, its an average game. And in the long run it just made me want to play System shock 2 again. Final score 6/10.